One of the best ways that we can get support for our fundraising schemes is by getting the information and the Oakwood name out to as many people as possible. Two of the most effective ways of doing this include giving out as many leaflets as possible and by getting our Collection Tins in as many shops, pubs, restaurants, salons etc as we can. If your business would be happy to have one of our collection tins please email us at fundrasing@oakwooddogrescue.co.uk
To enable us to do this we need to be able to cover the cost of the leaflets and the tins. That is why we are looking for some business sponsors to help us be able to pay for them.

Cost of sponsoring 10,000 leaflets - £160
If you chose to sponsor our leaflets you will have your company logo and contact details printed on each leaflet, and be added to our Supporter page on the website as a Business Sponsor. You can chose to sponsor either a General information leaflet, a Kennel Sponsorship leaflet, a How You Can Help leaflet or a Volunteers Needed leaflet.

Cost of Sponsoring 50 Collection Tins - £250
Collection Tins are a vital part of our fundraising efforts as they bring in much needed donations but also act as good advertising for the rescue too. If you chose to sponsor our tins you can have your company logo added to the tin label and will also be added to our Supporters page on the website as one of our Business Sponsors.
If you would be interested in sponsoring some of our leaflets or tins or if you have any other ideas about how you can help us please contact us to discuss the options at fundrasing@oakwooddogrescue.co.uk
Thank You!