Donate via Direct Debit
We are now able to accept donations via Direct Debit!
This will be a great help to the financial security of the rescue, as it will mean that we have more regular donations coming in and do not have to rely so heavily on our collections and other donations.
Monthly Donations
If you can spare us a regular donation, even if it is just £1 a month, you will be helping us to continue our work, rescuing,and re-homing unwanted dogs.
To set up a Direct Debit simply press the button below. You will need to complete the form to start a Gocardless account (you can cancel at any time). If you then let us know the amount that you wish to donate (the minimum is £1 per month) and if there is a specific date that you wish the debit to leave your account please let us know that too.

Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate to us, so if you haven't done so already plese fill in a gift aid declaration for us!
Other ways to donate
To continue running the rescue we depend entirely on donations and fundraisers. We appreciate any amount you can afford to donate (even just 50p!). You can use either the Total Giving Donate Button or the PayPal Donate Button.
Alternatively you can do a direct bank transfer
Our rescue account information is:
Account No. 30709560
Sort Code: 77-12-07
You can also donate via text:
Text OWVB99 followed by £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070 to donate.