Booking your dog's test
If you have received this link you have been notified that your dog is due a test with us.
Please follow the link below to be taken to available days to book your test.
Please note the date that you have been notifed your dog needs testing after - please do not book an appointmet before this date as your dog's medication will still be in effect and could result in a false positive.
Any bookings made before the the dog is ready to be tested will be cancelled.
Information for your testing slot
Please ring the door bell and await assistance.
You will need to hand your dog over to a member of staff to be taken in for testing.
The test can take 15-45mins depending on the dog.
You will be asked to wait in your car until the test has been completed. You can either wait or come back at the end of your testing appoinment to collect your dog.
Results will be discussed with you once the test is complete.