Weeks 1-4 will be one of the most challenging periods whilst your dog is beginning to get used to you, the house and your structure. These weeks can be highly emotional and you may require further support which is fine. We have also included the International Dog Rescue support group where lots of street dog adopters can help you through if things are getting a bit tough.

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IDR Adopters Support Group

Join the most supportive and informative community for Romanian Rescue adopters!

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Adoption Blues

It is not uncommon for adopters to feel overwhelmed taking on a Rescue Dog, here's some advice to spur you on

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Overwhelming a Dog

Lots of changes over the past few weeks can lead your dog to become overwhelmed, but what does that mean? Read our advice

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Bedtime Routine

Tips and tricks on what to do when it comes to bedtime. It is your choice where the dog is allowed to sleep but you need to persist

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Crate Training

We advise leaving the crate up for the dog to choose between this and a bed, you can also train the dog to stay in the crate for a prelonged period of time, click to see how

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Time Outs

Time outs can be used for

  • excessive barking
  • jumping up
  • over excitement
  • play mouthing,
  • humping and more
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Teaching your Dog to Stay Home Alone

Useful for home workers, popping to the shops, going to work, family events etc. It is always beneficial to teach your dog to cope alone

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Visitor into the Home Process

Visitors should not visit for at least 2 weeks. Practice this guide to help the dog cope with new people visiting the property

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Positive Swaps

Dog stolen an item that you want to get off them? Need to take a toy/treat from them. Never just take it. Follow our advice on swapping for something else

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Chewing and how to Manage it

Want to know why your dog is chewing and what you can do to curb it? Here's some information on what you can do

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Toilet Training

Toilet training can be a long process, the key to it is being frequent and watching out for they signals, here are our tips on toilet training your rescue dog

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Sleep Scare

Sleep scare can be one of the biggest cause of bites or being growled at in the home. It is importsnt that you follow our advice to understand what sleep scare is

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Learn to Read your Dog

Dog's can't speak to tell us what is wrong, instead they communicate voa body language. It is always useful to know how your dog is feeling

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Digging can be an adopters worst nightmare, whereas others permit digging in certain areas. Here's our tips on how to manage digging in the garden

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Managing a Multi-Dog Household

Adding a second, or third dog to the home takes managament and patience. Here our advice on what to do

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Getting your Dog to Come Back Inside

This page was mainly set up for adopters of timid dogs, however, it has some good advice and tips for all that struggle getting their dog to come back inside.

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Desensitisation to a Collar/Lead /Harness

Some dogs will not be wearing collars going into the home, and some owners would liek to know the best way to introduce their dog to a harness, here's our guide

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How to Start Practicing for Walks

Once your dog can be touched and has been desensitised to their collar, lead & slip-lead you can begin working with the dog to practice walks, here's our important tips

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Here's a list of our most common questions asked by adopters, if you're looking for quick tips this could be the page for you

Need Help?

Adoptions Advice


Addie: 07724005919, Steph: 07858699322, India 07562532325

Training Advice


01482 823555 - Please leave a voicemail