Grace's info:

  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 1 year old
  • Size: Medium / Large
  • Breed: Crossbreed


Introducing... Grace! 

Grace's Story:

Grace started her life as a tiny pup growing up in a kill shelter in Romania. She was lucky enough to be reserved and pulled out into a private shelter, this is the reason she is not as fearful of people as many of our other dogs are. 

Being in the private shelter, Grace was looked after but her days were spent living outside on a chain with her siblings meaning that she has never seen anything of the world. We struggle to move Grace anywhere other than her kennel and our fields. She is scared of everything - shelving, our desk, chairs. We are working hard to help build Grace's confidence but it will be a slow process.

Grace is not yet confident enough to walk on a collar and lead and we will start working on this as soon as we feel she is ready.

With other dogs:

Grace currently gets severe anxiety if she is every not with another dogs. Other dogs are all she's ever known. We don't believe that Grace would cope as an only dog and so have assessed her as needing to have at least one other dog in the home. She has so far shown us that gets on perfectly with every dog that we have introduced her to so far - males and females.

With cats:

Grace was amazing when we cat tested her. We was able to let her off lead and she was loose in the garden with him. There was no prey drive witnessed and she was very gentle with him and giave him lots of sniffs. She didn't seem worried and wasn't over confident around him, she seemed happy to be in his company and so we believe that with the right cat(s) she would be able to make friends with a resident cat(s) in the right home.

Energy level

Grace is far too worried for us to assess her true energy levels at this time, however we would guess that when she is fully settled in a home that she could be of a moderate to high energy level

2-4 hrs

For the time being Grace will need to be left as little as possible. Once she feels settled, then training must begin very slowly to teach her to be alone for short periods at a time. Having another dog around will help with this

Lead trained

Grace has never been taught how to walk on a collar and lead. This will come in time once she has gained some confidence.

Training reminders

Grace has no form of basic training. Her confidence levels will need to be slowly built up before training can begin.

Is Grace your perfect match?

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