Wally's info:

  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 3 years old
  • Size: Medium / Large
  • Breed: Mixed Breed


Introducing... Wally!

About Wally:

Wally was originally saved from a Romanian kill shelter via another charity and he was lucky enought to land himself a home here in the UK.

As his home was confirmed, sadly - a travel ban was put in to place meaning that this poor boy had to wait in the kill shelter for an extra year. This turned out to be detromental for him and his trust of people. 

The time came when he was lucky to travel to the UK to begin his new life, however, it was quickly very clear to see just how much he had suffered at the hands of humans during his extra time in the Romanian kill shelter.

This poor boy is scared of his own shadow. Any sudden movements or any little noises and he jumps out of his skin. After  7 months in the home here in the UK, Wally was just as terrified of the adopter as he was on the day that he arrived. The adopter decided that was no longer fair on Wally and made the decision to return him to rescue which is where we stepped in to help.

From arriving at Oakwood Dog Rescue, Wally straight away showed so much potentail. He was having a sniff around, taking hot dogs that were thrown towards him and was drawn towards the other dogs immediately, they made him feel at ease. 

It was very obvious just how terrified Wally was whenever he was around a male presence. Straight away he'd go into panic mode, pacing, panting and just wanting to be as far away as possible from any male presence. It is just heartbreaking to watch. We are working on this as much as we can and he has made great improvemtents with our male staff member so far.

Wally is very food motivated which is helping him with his trust issues. It will take a lot of time and patience in a home for Wally to feel safe but he really does have so much potential to be an amazing pet, he's just had an extremely traumatic and scary start to life.

Wally is unable to walk on a collar and lead and have never known a kind hand from his life in Romania. He will be a project dog for sure however, being in a quiet and understanding home with at least 1 nice confident dog will absolutely make all the difference for him.

With other dogs: 

Wally has shown that he gains much confidence from being around other dogs. He has started becoming a little more difficult doing the first interactions but this is all down to fear. As soon as he knows he can trust a new dog, he will absolutely dote on them.He has been mixed with male and female dogs and has shown that he is great with both showing lots of love, affection, playfullnesss and kindness. He looks to them for reassurance with everything and when he's with a more confident dog, he definately follows their lead as to what to do.

Moderate energy

So far Wally has shown a moderate level of activity, however this has potential to increase once settled in a home

Up to 4 hrs

Wally has shown signs of distress when being left alone although he takes comfort in being with another dog. We believe he could be built up over time to be left alone for around 4 hours

Requires lead training

Wally is not currently confident enough to begin lead training at the rescue

Training required

Wally is still very frightened of people and the world around him. He has no basic timing and this will all come in time once he learns how to trust

Is Wally your perfect match?

Click the button below to start the adoption application process!