Tommy's info:

  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 1 year old
  • Size: Large
  • Breed: Crossbreed - Romanian


Introducing... Tommy!

About Tommy:

Tommy has had a very sheltered life and as much as he absolutely adores people, he is extremely fearful of the world.

Tommy started his life as a tiny pup growing up in a kill shelter in Romania. He was lucky enough to be reserved and pulled out into a private shelter, this is the reason he is not so fearful of people unlike many of our other dogs.

Being in the private shelter, Tommy was looked after but his days were spent living outside on a chain with his siblings meaning that he has never seen anything of the world. We struggle to move Tommy anywhere other than his kennel and our fields. He is scared of everything - shelving, our desk, chairs. We are working hard to help build Tommy's confidence but it will be a slow process.

Tommy is not yet confident enough to walk on a collar and lead and we will start working on this as soon as we feel he is ready.

Tommy gets severe anxiety if he is ever left alone or seperated from his siblings. We are working hard on making new friends for him but his siblings are all he's ever known. We are unsure if Tommy would cope in a home without another dog though so we will continue with our assessments of him but if he were to go as an only dog, we know it would need to be a home where someone is with him all of the time until he can slowly be taught to be left for short periods. 

With other dogs: 

Tommy loves to spend time with his siblings - Grace and Molly - and their friend Mabel. He has shown he can make other dog friends too.

Unfortunately, we have seen Tommy guard food from the other dogs and so for this reason, we are looking for a home for him as an only dog. He could enjoy the company of visiting dogs though so long as food isn't involved.

Is Tommy your perfect match?

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